General Office Security

Security officers represent Hills Plaza’s interests with respect to incidents that occur in the common area of the building. The officers can also assist tenants with incidents within tenant spaces, but they can only do so in support of tenant staff, pending arrival of the Police Department. Tenant employees must take the lead in resolving incidents within their spaces. Security officers can act as support and provide backup to the tenant employees. All tenant employees (part-time and full-time) should be aware of their company’s written policies regarding security issues.

Every office must provide the Management Office with a written list of persons that we can contact in after-hour emergency situations. These people should be listed in the order in which they will be contacted. Jones Lang LaSalle will use this list only if your office cannot be secured at night or for some other emergency requiring Management to get into the space immediately. Building security officers are not able to stand guard at a tenant space for any period of time.

Please update the Management Office as soon as your office emergency contacts change. The time lost trying to contact the right person could prove critical in an emergency.

No personnel will be allowed access to Hills Plaza or tenant spaces after-hours since all authorized personnel should have in their possession an access card, access code or suite keys. If an employee or visitor arrives at the building after-hours and asks for access, the security guard may telephone the suite if the employee or visitor provides a telephone number. Someone from the suite will have to come down to the lobby and escort the employee or visitor up to the suite. If necessary, the tenant emergency contact will be notified for instruction. However, the security guard is not permitted to “key up” any individual in the building for any reason.